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I’ve been listening to Patt Flynn’s podcast now for over a year.  Although, I don’t have an online business per say, I have definitely learned a lot from each episode.  I will admit that when Pat started talking about his new book Will It Fly over a month ago, I was interested but not enough to pick it up.  Last weekend Pat sent me an email with a special offer to download Will It Fly for just $.99.  I said, “What the heck” and downloaded it to my Kindle, just in case.  After just a few pages I realized, “This is exactly what I am writing about!”,  so I also picked up the audio book and devoured both in 2 days.

Will It Fly is an excellent guide to testing your business (or product) ideas before developing them.  The book takes you step-by-step through the process and offers several exercises to make your Primary Market Research a success.  Also, in standard Patt Flynn style, the book has links to free online resources like worksheets, PDF’s and interviews to help you go through the process.

One thing that really stood out to me was not only the idea of testing business ideas to see if they will be profitable but to test YOU and your ideas to see if they FIT in with your goals.  We all know someone who is financially successful but is miserable.  A little planning can go a long way to avoiding pitfalls in our professional AND personal lives.

For those of you who don’t know who Pat is or have never heard of him, he hosts a podcast,  blog, YouTube, show and, of course, writes books.   The great part about his Smart Passive Income Podcast is that he gives detailed information in every episode and breaks it down in step-by step instructions so just about anyone can take action with it.

Will It Fly keeps true to this value-oriented approach.  Whether you are building an online business, software or physical project, you will be hard pressed to find a better resource for validating your ideas.

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